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My story and the long winding road from there to here.

The story begins in 1974 when, as a 9 year old boy, I loved to draw. I even dabbled in oil painting and had my work entered into several competitions. I also did that Ohio Art test from the TV commercial and scored pretty high. They said, "You have a future in art!" So what happened to that future? Well in early 1980s it all got put on hold as art stuff got shoved to the back-burner in favor of computers. In 1984 my Dad bought our first computer, an Apple Macintosh. I wanted to know how this thing worked and before long I was writing my own simple BASIC programs, then PASCAL, then C and one thing led to another and before I knew it, I was an IT guy, working as a contractor for the United States Navy. In 1989 I launched my own software company, writing software for Macintosh computers. At least two of my software products were featured several times in MacWorld Magazine. I was the first guy to incorporate Quicktime video in Apple's Hypercard product, and I released a software product called Relax that brought in a lot of money. As time went on however, I soon felt like I was out of place, and the IT job turned into an IT chore. My last job as an IT guy was at U.S. News and World Report magazine, and it was there that the dust, cobwebs and so on were cleared away from that art stuff that had been sitting on the back-burner for so long. As liaison between the Design team and the IT department I got to know the designers at US News pretty well. I would take my lunch breaks and watch these guys doing amazing designs for the magazine. It wasn't long before I realized, hey I want to do this stuff - and that hibernating passion for design woke up. I left US News, went back to school, got a degree in design and launched Pixelworx Idea Factory two months after graduating.

So now you know the story and after working in the design industry now for seven years, I am still in love with design. I wake up in the morning looking forward to jumping into a design project. Yes, it's been a long and winding road, but now all the paths have been made straight.

I make ideas look great. Ready to work with me? Let's talk